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Gedempte Tankgracht

The residential architectural project located at Gravenzade in southern Holland combines three different structures, LSTAR, ALICANTE and VICTORIA.

The building is located in a newly built neighborhood and includes a five-storey complex offering residences of contemporary luxury, featuring elegant and functional design. In addition to the actual residences, the architectural plans include a basement garage for parking cars.

Atlas Concorde porcelain stoneware from the Trust collection adds natural charm to the area surrounding the structure thanks to surfaces inspired by the vigour and visual intensity of split stone.

In fact the Gravenzade project uses LASTRA 20mm flooring tiles that guarantee a perfect balance between technical performance and beauty. High performance in terms of strength, reliability and safety -  thanks to the 2 cm thickness and a textured finish - are combined with the visual perfection of Atlas Concorde porcelain stoneware from the easily installed Trust collection that features the beautiful look of stone.

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