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Olympus Taste

Sometimes, natural elements that may not seem obvious companions - being far apart aesthetically and constitutionally - when backed by insight and elegance can, in fact, be on the same wavelength and come up with stylistic innovation. This is the case of the indoor flooring at Olympus Taste, an exclusive restaurant situated within the hospital complex Olympus Health in the Russian city of Voronezh.

Here, for all to see, materials apparently worlds apart are brought together to create totally unexpected designs, so that large and majestic marble-effect ceramic tiles are happily matched with wood-effect porcelain tiles in a slat format typical of parquet floors.

The result is both striking and pleasing. Marble, with its noble lineage finds a perfect accomplice in wood, whose unpretentious simplicity and charm has been chosen in many architectural designs far and wide.

The colours are also unusual and attractive. The porcelain tiles faithfully reproduce the warm tones of wood and the grey veining of marble set against a white background. The strong contrast between the two shades is clearly spot-on, perfectly capturing the spirit of a place that aims to set the highest standards in quality, for its level of service and beyond.

What unites these ceramic collections, making them so special, is that they reproduce with extraordinary precision and realism the wood and marble that inspired them, down to the smallest detail. Guests at Olympus Taste will alight upon porcelain tiles, boldly conveying the distinctive essence of fine woods, and marble-effect ceramics, where the variety of the graphic design is matched only by that of the original stone.

The collections, both made by Atlas Concorde, are Marvel Pro (marble-effect porcelain tiles) and Etic Pro (wood-effect porcelain tiles).

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