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Around Design Milano, Perspectives and market trends in Interior Design

26 June 2024

Atlas Concorde and The Plan meet at Atlas Concorde Studio Milan to investigate and discuss new perspectives and trends in the Interior Design market.

In the heart of Milan's Brera Design District, at Atlas Concorde Studio Milano, the second event of "Around Design. Meet. Talk. Connect," Atlas Concorde's traveling event format dedicated to the international community of architects and interior designers.

Atlas Concorde and The Plan, one of the most renowned international architecture magazines, organized a round-table with prominent guests to investigate and discuss new perspectives and trends in the Interior Design market. It was a valuable opportunity for experts in the field to meet and discuss within the Milan space in order to share ideas and opinions in the common interest of creating innovative, hospitable and increasingly sustainable spaces. During the event they discussed the relationship between productivity and customization in the implementation of an architectural project and investigated whether the industrialization of production processes, capable of ensuring economic sustainability, is also able to preserve the added value of individual architectural projects.

But that's not all. The discussion also covered the best solutions and strategies to "package" products capable of reconciling uniqueness and economic sustainability and to succeed in maintaining wide and diverse offerings without running the risk of creating soulless spaces.

An event that generated valuable exchanges, useful to deepen increasingly topical issues in the world of design and open new glimpses and perspectives for all. Among the speakers: Ines Bovone, Partner of Coima Image, Francesco Motta, Development Manager of Green Stone SICAF, Valentina Aiolfi, Procurement Manager of Green Stone SICAF, Giuseppe Rossi, Chief Development Officer of Bizzi and Partners, Alessandra Desiderio, Chief Technical Officer of Bizzi and Partners, Ranieri Lapi Gatteschi, Partner of Plan Studio, Gabriele Pelligrò, Head of Project and Construction Management of Artisa Group.

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